Our National Delusion Won’t Stop with Book-Burning
How far along are we into America's Maoist Cultural Revolution? Well, Tumblr encourages users to choose from 112 different genders and another...
How far along are we into America's Maoist Cultural Revolution? Well, Tumblr encourages users to choose from 112 different genders and another...
A full 19 days prior to the official announcement of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “pandemic,” drug giant Moderna sent covid “vaccine”...
As evidence has grown that the novel coronavirus came from a Chinese virology lab, White House health adviser Dr. Anthony...
Some of the core tenets of the “woke” ideology spreading around the country mimic ideas used to justify many of...
As disruptive as the 2020/2021 academic year was, it led to many positive educational changes that will be transformative and...
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